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Count Vikernes


Sempre meno assassino, sempre più personaggio.

Riporto alcune perle dal sito ufficiale di Varg Vikernes, cioè Burzum. Il musicista norvegese responsabile del famoso assassinio di Øystein Aarseth, chitarrista e fondatore della band Mayhem, tra le capostipiti del movimento black metal. Insomma se state leggendo questo blog sapete benissimo di cosa si sta parlando.

Prendete carta e penna:

"As You might already know, my dear ladies and gentlemen, and other individuals too, I am no friend of the modern so-called Black Metal culture. It is a tasteless, low-brow parody of Norwegian so-called Black Metal anno 1991-1992, and if it was up to me it would meet its dishonourable end as soon as possible.
However, rather than abandon my own music, only because others have soiled its name by claiming to have something in common with it, I will stick to it.
The "black metallers" will probably continue to "get loaded", "get high", and in all other manners too behave like the stereotypical Negro; they will probably continue to get foreign tribal tattoos, dress, walk, talk, look and act like homosexuals, and so forth. Some of the "black metallers", their fans and accomplices will probably even continue to pretend - and actually believe - they have something in common with Burzum, but let me assure You; they don't! I play what can be described as some sort of metal music, all right, and they do too, but the similarities ends there. Freud wrote books. Tolkien wrote books. The similarities ends there."

"Out of pure spite we pretty much always said the opposite of what the other said, no matter what they said, only to mark distance. That's how we ended up calling ourselves Satanists, despite the fact that we absolutely were not. There was not a single Satanist in the whole Black Metal scene in Norway in 1991 - 92. We called ourselves Satanists because in general, Death Metal musicians often were so very socially responsible and highly negative to Satanism.
I emphasized to the Court that I was not, that I had never been and I never would be a Satanist, but this was of course not a detail reporters wanted to disclose to the Norwegian people. They wanted me to be a Satanist, and thus they presented me as a Satanist. The milieu was quite simply Satanic because of the media's focus on Satanism."

"I can not regret that I took the life of one who would kill me. I was threatened by his plans, but it was never my plan to kill.

All people can kill. But there is less chance that I will kill again, because I've been in that situation before, and so I know better how to tackle it. It is not possible to know how to behave in threatening situations before you even end up in such a situation yourself. Had I been in the same situation today, I would have contacted the police first. People make simple choices at a young age. There was a certain tone in the environment I was in. It is not good to be careless, it's dangerous. "

"I've never been a Nazi, and I'm not one now. It is crazy to say that I have started racist propaganda groups. If you are opposed by the prison, you can become frustrated, aggressive and impressionable of other communities. What I did was a rebellion against those who I feel have treated me badly. It was just stupid, but there and then it felt right. You can be quite alone if you're isolated all the time, and so many people are against you.
But I have my positions clear. I see that it's going to hell with this country - and I try not to be pulled down by it. This is not Norway. We are about to be replaced by strangers, both culturally, religiously and genetically speaking. Take a look at our population today, and compare it with that we had 50 years ago."

"Int: Are you racist?
Yes. But I hate no one. Hate is irrational. I am a rational person. "

Mi sta troppo simpatico. Giuro. Sono ad un passo dalla stima verso questo personaggio.

Oggi che i vari Lavey, Manson e Crowley non scaricano più le loro influenze per metà demenziali e per metà innegabilmente illuminate sulla realtà conosciuta, sapere che Varg è libero di aprire il proprio ego a noi comuni stronzetti mi mette addosso un grande estusiasmo. Una carica fortissima. Una vera e propria agitazione che, pensa un pò, prima che uscisse di galera sono sicuro di non aver mai provato...

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